Hi, everyone and welcome to my home. This is my home and yours, suit yourself, take a seat and don't forget let your opinions below because we have finished this fantastic and marvelous trilogy by those impressive time-travels with their amazed clues into every single book. I'm very glad to ending this trilogy and very nostalgic for those memories by the events. My mind spill over Gwenyth and her super cute grandfather, over her love to Gideon, over the sadness and the happiness. I was excited when I started these books the first time and now that I have finished the second time I want to get the beginning again. Goodness, I'll start this trilogy every year. My feelings sprouts by every memory and I can hardly stop them so, without any further ado, we've got a lot to get through.
The last book finishes with Gwenyth so sad because of Gideon and his lies, but Lesley cheer her best friend up because they have a great mystery to solve and they don't have for heartbroken anymore, but Gwenyth was so falling in love and that is something you can't forget soon. You can't take those feelings away simply. The heart can't fix itself so soon. Gwenyth has to deal with too many things here and It can't be easy, but with her best friend and Lesley, everything will be solved with one hand or another.The good new is the chest from her grandfather and the big chances for Gwenyth to change her fate. Her grandfather (so lovely) will be so useful, count Saint-German will unearth himself, Gideon will confess the truth about his feelings to Gwenyth and someone will have to die. But who?
This is all. This is the end and I can't stand every minute without the book between my hands. So excited, so sad with Gwenyth and too many laughs with Xemerius. More time-travels to the eighteenth century, some powdered wigs, secrets, duels and the magic of the raven over the table. Everyone will see the magic, that magic that just one person wants to oneself. Hidden letters hid the truth about the prophecy, Gwenyth will know about her roots, more and more lies will unearth and you'll be speechless. How come I love so much this book? To be honest, I love everything in this trilogy and I don't have any other answer, anyway.
At last, we will see one defeat Charlotte, Gideon being so cute and adorable. How Aunt Maddy was always right about her visions, however, someone has to die. I loved it too much and I'm going to miss reading these books soon, but I must go on with others stories, so no worries. I'll be back.
About its adaptation: Please, I just beg you. Don't ever, don't at least after to read the entire series, watch the adaptations!! Be careful because they are a bunch of spoilers for you. They'are going to tell you things that won't happen until the next book and the whole movie is too much overdone and exaggerated. A lot of things don't even happen ever into the books and you can hold up ideas that don't even exist ever. It's such a disaster. Please, read the books first.
Emerald Green (original name: Smaragdgrün) [2010]
Author: Kerstin Gier
Pages: 464
Time-travel novel
Series: Precious Stone 3#

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