First of all, I'd like not to tell you too many things about this book, because at the beginning the problem is there, so I don't want to make any spoiler, although too many people are aware of the adaptation by Hitchcock I'm sure, pretty sure, that there are still people on earth don't know anything about "The birds" Please, don't spoil the things just because you think those things are famous.

Nat with his wife and his two children live on an island, far away from the country. Nat works there and has a lovely cottage. One day he's coming back home when, suddenly, he saw a black cloud over the sea, that isn't a cloud, though, it was a flock of birds circling over the waves. It seems those birds are looking at Nat and he felt that had to run at his home as fast as he could.
That's all I could tell you if you don't know anything about the book or movie.
First impressions (Hehehe it reminders me the original title from "Pride and Prejudice")
This book gave me the creeps. It impressed me because I didn't remember very well the adaptation and just have little scenes I had in my mind, but I preferred to forget any picture and read the original pages I had between my hands. So I did that.
I had bad times living with Nat and his family. The problems grew up every hour also the fear. I almost felt the shiver of the children and the restlessness look on the wife's Nat face. Lucky we had the last two cigarettes...
It was good, I enjoy this story even when the end disappointed me. It's ok, I can live whit that.

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