Wow! I read the second one and I'm still freaking out. How is that possible? The first book was as good as ever and I was a bit trembled to start the second one (I feel the same way every time I'm going to read a series) but it's true, too that I read this series before, it is the second time I read it but it was almost three years ago and even though I knew the end I had some gaps about the story. I don't know, I feel a little bit uncertain. But! Here I am, I read the second book and I finished it just right now, I'm so excited and the feelings around the story are still surrounding me. I couldn't put this moment away, could I? So I threw myself on the chair, put the keyboard on my lap and here we go!

So, you know Gwenyth is the precious Ruby and the last time travel already into the Circle of the Twelve. The time travel business isn't easy for her, everything too much complicated and everyone doesn't trust her yet. Well, Mr. George is very nice with Gwenyth and Gideon is too much sweet... sometimes. There are too many mysteries already into that Lodge and behind that old man Count Saint-Germain and his invisible power for to pretend that Gideon isn't another problem. Luckily Gwenyth is stick with her best friend ever Lesley and together are working stealthily trying to unearth some mysteries. Every visit to the past is a trap for them, someone wants them dead and more and more questions raise up to Gwenyth.
So, if just you're reading this plot you can imagine the situation. The jump into time-travels are more confused than the first book. Gwenyth find notes written by herself and Gideon see her in another time and Gwenyth doesn't know about it, she can't imagine writing notes for herself in the future or traveling along but one of those time-travel she meet her young grandfather and in the wake of that moment, some secrets begin to see it more clear, however, others are surrounded by her mind several questions again. But so is that exciting that I couldn't put the book away.
We have another character here. I think the first time I read this book, I didn't want this gargoyle, don't ask me why because I don't remember, but the feeling remained with me since then. Now it made me smile and I saw it very useful, actually. Xemerius is a funny gargoyle with a funny description of itself and although at the beginning it was to be a pain in the... neck, as matter of fact the pain in the neck was Charlotte with her superciliousness and her shows off in front everyone because she is not the Ruby red anymore. So she pretends to be all heart with the members of the Lodge, above all with Gideon-Diamond, but behind her cousin Gwenyth she is bitter and Ice Queen, as always.
The end of this book is totally crazy and bittersweet feeling. With one hand, Gideon seems an asshole because of his manipulation on Gwenyth. How come Gideon could do such a thing? How come Gideon is so complicated? He is so sweet and at the next minute is a piece of icy, later he is kissing Gwenyth and giving her words of love and at the next time again he is threating her. Unbelievable. Aren't we supposed that Gideon was to be her hero? He admitted everything! But of course, all that glitters is not gold and I can ensure you Gideon has too many things to tell to Gwenyth in the last book. Quite apart from his feelings, by the other hand, what about that secrets letters that Paul handed Gideon? What about Count Saint-Germain? What does he hide?
Soon, here, the last review about Precious Stone #3 "Emerald"
About its adaptation: Please, I can just beg you. Don't ever, don't at least after to read the entire series, watch the adaptations!! Be careful because they are a bunch of spoilers for you. They'are going to tell you things that won't happen until the next book and the whole movie is too much overdone and exaggerated. A lot of things don't even happen ever into the books and you can hold up ideas that don't even exist ever. It's such a disaster. Please, read the books first.
Sapphire Blue (original name: Saphirblau) [2010]
Author: Kerstin Gier
Pages: 362
Time-travel novel
Series: Precious Stone 2#

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