for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
Show me the way I should go,
for to you I entrust my life. 

Psalm 143:8
I'm going to miss your delicate touch on mine.
That thing I feel when you stroking my cheek as if that was the most delicate thing you have ever touched.
I can close my eyes and feel as if those moments were here in this right now. I can cry and be sure that you'll wipe my tears away with your thumb.
Looking at your round and golden-brown eye when we meet each other and you spread the most wonderful smile on your gorgeous face. My heart gets warm immediately and I need feel it closer, so I lift my hand to your cheek and this is stretched forever.
It's something magical or a blessing being with you everyday and I realize how too many times you walk straight forward me and take me into your loving arms. I lean my head on your chest while you stroke it with one hand and with extreme caution, I feel all myself enveloped with your other arm. I like to smell your throat and to hear your giggle as the answer. I'd just wish to throw myself to you and cling my arms at your neck forever. It can't be done in such a short time span, I need more time to miss you.
I'm going to miss your wake up every morning and your fingers seeking my tickles. I never know how to wriggle out of it because you know, I can hardly stand that situation and at the same moment, I don't want you to stop ever. Seeing you and smiling, it seems something natural for myself. Seeing you seeking my hand when we are out, it's quite a something. Then you reach it, holding tightly and both laugh at the same time. Could you ever walk without holding my hand? I hope not. I think we would loose our way if some day we are going to walk without holding our hands.
Stay by my side a little bit longer and make me laugh just as you know. Kiss me when I don't notice your presence and stole kisses from me when I don't realize that the moment is coming. Ask me about the weather and let small letters of love on my keyboard sometimes. Bring me close to you and whisper in my ear those songs that seem sung by you. I'll smile and stretch my lips forever if later you press yours over mine stronger and fervently than ever. All these things can't be done in such a short time span, I need more time to miss you. I need to reach you a bit more, to learn all your thoughts, to hear what you have to say even if we are going to have some argues. Don't hold your tongue.
I want to know those secret places on your body that I don't know yet, here or in other places, I don't care where. I want to know how sparkling are your eyes under the most beaming sun and under the most lovely moon. How your hair blowing in the light breeze on the beach shore or under some trees on the mountains. I desire to stare you while you stare at me when those beautiful eyes of yours burn in fire for me. Those marvelous eyes... I'd like to look inside them, to know how they think if they are some different at any other part of you. Those eyes talk to me without words, I can see how clever and outstanding they are. If those eyes could speak... tell me, what would they tell me?
It's your little bit tousled hair and the shadow of your beard that you look more dazzling than ever, like today, I couldn't put my eye over anything but you. There you were, smiling at me with shining eyes and white pearl. I had to kiss you intensely and later answer the butcher about our order. You make me like that., so I blame you. I blame you for my butterflies in my stomach and for wishing your delicate touch over me. I blame you for being just as you are, for teaching me and loving me just as I am. I just do love you than any other living person on this earth and give thanks, big thanks at Jesus for this.
I'm going to miss the not having met you before.

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