I'm always waiting for reading books from Agatha Christie but, do you know what is I waiting the most? I'm always waiting for reading books from Hercule Poirot but not this time. Actually, I'm reading Agatha's book in chronological order and my next book was "Hercule Poirot's Christmas" and we're still in summer... bummer.
So I took that book, put it aside and I'll save it for winter. I want to read that book in the middle of the cold and sharp winter. So! Here we are with the next book in this order. Murder is easy:

Luke Fitzwilliam was on the train with an old woman listening to her wild story about how easy is murder when you have murdered four people already. This old woman talks to Luke about the next murder on someone named Dr. Humbleby but Luke thinks that old woman is a bit crazy. When he saw in the newspaper that that man is dead Luke open his eyes and that old woman became an object of his curiosity.
I love how often, Agatha is capable of to mingle the crime and the love in the same book creating from something terrible as is pluck the life from someone, something good and beautiful as is the birth of the love between a man and a woman. It’s like sowing the most beautiful flowers on a gravelled path. It’s seems something impossible but to God nothing is impossible.
The beginning was, in my opinion, a little slow and even I got a bit bored but of course, I didn’t give the book up and I went on with the story. I enjoyed the last chapters the most. That way to unearth the murderer as the last murder is revealed. I never know who the bad guy is when I take a book from Agatha; this is something I’m sure of. You know those people who always know who the murder is? I don’t know how they know that! The more I read books from this woman, the less I know who the bad guy could be.
Well, better for me because in that way I always get the surprise and I like being surprised.
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