Brace yourself, Miss Josephine.

Recently I was talking with a good friend, her way of living let me think for a long time. I was a bunch of feelings and I wanted to put them in an order so I needed to think about it. I was happy, sad, angry, disappointed, ashamed and too many feelings more that I couldn't put a name. I needed to talk with God first and my head was steamed already. At the end, I finished feeling a bit more miserable than another feeling.
My friend has chronic leukaemia for 16 years and she decided that wouldn't give her life up and she would arrange fall in love with a good guy and have three kids. Do you know how many problems she had having babies with her disease? She went on knowing the problems but there she is, living with her husband and her three beautiful and healthy kids. Thank God.
I woke up every morning and I get mad at my husband or I can complain all day along about any rubbish because I'm sure enough that I'll have tomorrow for solving my problems. If I was like my friend, just open my eyes every morning would be put my kneel down and I would give thanks and thanks again and again. I would worth every argues with my husband and I would solve it instantly that very moment. I wouldn't get angry so easily for every rubbish around me and I would try to smile every minute. I would swat every negative thought, I would forgive without pride and in the end, my life would be better than is now.

Celebrate the life, but not just you. Encourage more people with you to celebrate the life but never in a selfish way. Be happy and make happiness.