I'm a puddle because of the hot from out there

My base feels strong enough

I'm going to eat a hamburger!

I'm watching:
Sabrina, the teenage Witch 4 season

My only master is the only one can teach me what I do wrong or right and that is God. Because the people want their own justice which is favorable themselves.
What a pleasure read this trilogy again. I finished the first one and I'd like to feel the same feelings like the first time I read it, well, that is impossible but I enjoyed almost the same. Precious stone trilogy is, surely, one of my favorite series from teenage books, the other one is
The lunar chronicles (which I'm going to re-read sooner or later again) I simply could not put this book down, I had to read every minute I could as fast as I could because I was very busy and worried by a member of the household and I could read all the time. So! I took every moment I could I read and read and read until I got to sleep. But, we're not going to much further, let's go with the plot!
Gwenyth is just a member of a big family with a great history. The women of her family can jump into time-travels, just a few of them. Now is her cousin who has the privileged gene and since she was a child, her cousin has been taking too many lessons preparing herself for the time-travel. Learning foreign languages, fencing lessons, strange and old dances, protocol and manners as such. The big surprise is going to happen when Gwenyth finds herself dizzy on the street in London and at the next second, she finds herself on the street but in a very different London. What is she afraid of? She wasn't prepared for such kind of thing and that discovery pushes her into a others mysteries. What kind of secret hide all people? Gwenyth is going to sort too many things out.
Maybe you remember "
Romeo and Juliet" because exist, two families, one against the other. The men from the
de Villiers have the gene and the
Montrose family by women so the circle of twelve precious stone is complete with the last birth, Gwenyth. Each person is linking with a gem or jewel and Gwenyth is the Ruby. Why? We don't know (yet). And this two families are different opinions, normally, and fight each other. The female character is Gwenyth from the Montrose family and the male character is from the de Villiers. Did you get it? Ok.
These twelve people carried the gen are quite important. They can jump into time-travel thanks to a little machine where they drop a bit of their blood. The secret is revealed as the machine has the twelve kinds of blood but now is totally impossible because the first machine was stolen from the guardians and with the second one there's to recollect the blood again. However, not everyone wants to give their blood now, because they were warned that they don't do it. The matter is, the circle of blood mustn't be closed and the secret mustn't be revealed. Why? Why!.
Isn't it so interesting? Well, maybe I didn't give you a lot of clues, but this book is full of mystery, all full of questions and misunderstandings that you have to read for yourself. You'll find love within the pages, yes, but in spite of that, the mystery and the agitation of the situation are more important. Yes, exist a handsome guy with great green eyes will join you into the time-travel business and of course, your knee will shiver as he was near to Gwenyth, but! But the mystery will be the great matter.
About its adaptation: Please, I can just beg you. Don't ever, don't at least after to read the entire series, watch the adaptations!! Be careful because they are a bunch of spoilers for you. They'are going to tell you things that won't happen until the next book and the whole movie is too much overdone and exaggerated. A lot of things don't even happen ever into the books and you can hold up ideas that don't even exist ever. It's such a disaster. Please, read the books first.
Only this first adaptation reveals you the whole end of the series! This first book keeps you in tenterhooks and step by step the mystery will be solved.
Ruby red (original name: Rubinrot) [2009]
Author: Kerstin Gier
Pages: 336
Time-travel novel
Series: Precious Stone