I’m very happy to come with all my thoughts. I’ve completed my reading and I want to come for explain all my feelings (at least part of them). I can’t explain all that I want because my heart harbors invisible words for our language. It’s crossed feelings what can’t express with words. But I’ll try. Come into my mind and my heart!
Nancy Drew is a young sleuth fancies of mysteries and will use her courage for solve the problems around her. In this first case, Nancy will help at her father (great lawyer) to find the last will and testament from Josiah Crowley with her deductions.
How wonderful is that girl. I would wish had too many people like Nancy. The planet would be a better place. Is there any injustice? No problem, Nancy Drew will go and solve that problem. Yes! I’ve been able to imagine this girl with a develop smile and happy for to help and one father very proud of his daughter. I loved this girl, her energy and vitality. She always has one kind word (less to her enemies)
She there goes! Her father gave her a car for her birthday and she helps him in his work. Her car is a convertible and at the worst moment, that thing doesn’t work haha! My sides were splitting with laughter. Her father (Mr. Carson Drew) is so sweet with his daughter and he is a well-known lawyer from their hometown of River Heights. The best father for Nancy and for the rest of benefited characters because he is a lawyer and you know, there is people that not like the lawyers. For example in this book The Topham. They are one vain family. Ada and Isabel are the daughters and they are very bad with Nancy and the rest people of River Heights. They are vain and arrogant. Indeed.

The secret of the clock is a good book. He is amusing and can hold your breath in some moment of suspense. Nancy is an attractive young girl. She’s eighteen years and she wants to be like her father. And her father knows it and guides her with wisdom. This book is very short and light. Always happen something and you cannot get boring into it. Nancy will be your favorite character and won’t want to go away without her.
I’m very thrilled for this book. It has left me good feeling and thinking. I want to read another adventure with Nancy Drew, the young sleuth as soon as can be possible. Do you want to join me?

By Carolyn Keene
The secret of the old clock
(1ª adventure of Nancy Drew