I'll tell you something very different and very weird for too many people about. You can still gain when you lose and I'm not talking about material things (but it could work, as well) I'm talking about becoming a better person by changing our tendencies or putting them aside. You will never be separated from what who you are, but you can moderate those things with constancy, hard work and asking God for help. Your reward for trying to be a better person last more than your material things.

When you try to put your pride aside, you gain humbleness, you know, that "simple" word that you hear about from too many people but, in reality, they are "humble" just from time to time. That's not a challenge. Everyone can have a ravishment of mercy and that doesn't make you a humble person. If I read one book a year, you'd say that I'm a reader? I don't think so. Learn about forgiveness, because you want to be forgiven for your mistakes. And learn to be thankful and content and you won't need anything else.
What happened if you would put your vainglory aside? I guess that you could behold too many accomplished people around you and value them and congratulate them, besides if you made this, you would see, not just your own faults or how high you feel about yourself in reference to other human beings, but you have to improve yourself much more in everything because of your faultiness.

If you learned about your egocentrism, you would gain vision. Vision about what? When you stop watching yourself, your eyes, irretrievably, lai down upon someone else and only doing this you're able to see the needs and the happiness of other people without feeling they are higher than you. We're not living this life as it was a competition. We should be here to help one another.
We may be that proud that we wouldn't see how much envy we have within. If you saved your envy, just for one day in a drawer, you wouldn't feel bad when someone is happy when you aren't or has things that you don't. That's why I said we're so proud because our envy it's just another layer from our pride. Generally, you feel that envy when you see yourself lower than other people and you'd like that everyone would be like you, thus you feel better because nobody would be emphasised what you don't have at that moment. Happiness. You'd feel better if you learned to congratulate in a genuine way, those people happier than you when you feel so bad. Why do you blame me and feel awfully bad if I got a job and you don't? Look at this in another way around, you are the one who got the job, would you like to see other people throwing you sharp knives because they didn't get what they wanted? No, I don't think so. When you lose your envy, you gain empathy
Great article. Yeah, I agree with you. If we won always, we wound't learn anything. We would always be in the same position. Losing something is a necessary part of life, it makes us and helps us to grow as persons.
ReplyDeleteEvery rock we trip with is a new experience to learn more on our paths. Indeed, I have always thought that having everything is not a good thing, as you said, it makes you proud and it makes you get used to have everything whenever you want. And yeah, it's true that we have learned to be the center of everything, the bullseye. As you said, on Internet everybody is always the center point. We sell our lives, our best photos, our best moments... And we are always fighting to seem better than the neighbour... And maybe, as you said, we have to learn to be happy because others are happy too. Thanks for making us think again!
To learn to be happy because others are happy too.
DeleteI liked this sentence you wrote up there. It could encircle everything.
Thank you for sharing your opinion, Gentleman.
It's always a pleasure to have you here. ^:^