Now we're all together gathered we can start so without any further ado let's see what I think about this brown-yellow season.
Let's get started!
1. Why you love autumn?
First of all, I don’t like summertime whatsoever. No, I don’t! It might sound weird or creepy, but I can’t stand being sweating all the time or when nights come I can’t sleep, then those nagging mosquitoes come, too… No, I definitely can’t stand summer. I’m the happiest woman that moment when I feel a chill morning and think: ‘Oh, yes! Autumn is coming’ and I dream of strolling on the street watching leaves falling over me. It’s a magical moment to me. Taking pictures is another of my favourite things to do in autumn.
2. Your best autumn memory?
I couldn’t think just in one memory. I’ve loved autumn since my childhood and too many things I lived. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t say any memory, just feeling like drink hot milk In the evenings, curl up on my sofa reading, watching the rain… All those kind of things that build “autumn” make me feel happy.
3. Which -ber month is your favourite?
Well, Novem-ber is my favourite. I was born in this month. Beautiful November… November is in the middle of the autumn and winter. It’s perfect.
4. Favourite autumn cake/pie?
The truth is I don’t bake any cake or pie but the last year I tried to bake a pumpkin pie. Maybe I try again this year.
I’m never run out of my chamomile tea with a thin slice of lemon inside.
6. Favourite candle scent?
My candles scent are many. I can’t decide. I like changing every day.
7 Favourite magical/scary creature?
I’m used to reading Harry Potter every autumn so the whole Harry Potter world reminds me of autumn.
8 Your go to autumn look?
A comfy sweater, my favourite boots and my sweet backpack. I don’t know, l love all my autumn clothes because I love covering my body tightly.
9. Favourite movie to watch in the autumn?
Little women (1949) I know that movie by heart, I could (and I did) watch it an entire evening again and again.
10. Favourite accesory?
I take advantage of summer and take too many of my accessories out but when I have to wear sweater and coats I just wear my daily pendant, a very nice locket and I don’t even wear any earrings because they always stuck in my scarf. So, my locket with two nice pictures of my parents inside.
12. Favourite autumn colors?
You know that moment when you catch a leave changing its green features into brown and you catch it in the middle? That’s the colour.
13. Favourite decor piece?
I like having dry leaves on my desk, under a candle and such.
14. Favourite things to do on rainy days?
I usually am reading. I love reading while I’m hearing a gentle raindrops pattering on the window. If I have the opportunity of walking clung to my husband's arm
15. What are you most excited for this season?
You just have to read again all this tag. You, too, can read again just the first question. I could say a bit more like, I’m expecting Christmas, too. My second favourite year-time and it’s in the second place just because autumn has to come first.
Original by SleepyCharlotte
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