I love autumn season and I hope it's not too late for doing this tag but I had other things to do first and here where I live autumn wasn't bloomed just as I like and I thought that I should wait a bit longer until autumn was settled.
Now we're all together gathered we can start so without any further ado let's see what I think about this brown-yellow season.
As too many of you already know my first passion and all my life lies in Jesus Christ, below him, I spend the rest of my leisure hours reading. To be honest, I love more reading than watching movies which I’m not saying I don’t like watching movies because I do. It’s just I like more reading, that’s all.
Well, so what am I reading these days? I have a habit and that’s it, every winter I take Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone and I read it. I’m doing that 4 years in a row but this year I’ve got the opportunity of reading the whole series and I started in summer. But why I want to read Happy Potter’s book in winter?
What a beautiful dawn we had. I feel tired and sleepy.. It's a perfect day for a big nap. I liked this movie, so autumnal. Listening: I'd be lost {Hillsong}