Leigh, from Richard records, has a date with Conner from Peter's post, the rivalry. That date was a complete disaster, so Leigh after that write it down on her blog "Bad dates chronicles" from her work in Richard Records. Leigh wrote her side of the misadventure and it seems it was totally wrong because of Conner, the accused has good excuses. However, the bosses from both are so happy because their digital magazine had tons of views and they arrange that their employees have three more dates while behind Leigh and Conner they arrange a wager and determinate who win the worst date.
To be honest, to the beginning the movie touch me because I feel It was going to be different and it was. Here, we have three different kinds of relationship, yes, you read well, three.
The first is our principal characters, Leigh and Conner who are set up for their bosses to have dates because their dates are a total disaster and that is good, because Leigh and Conner have their own blogs on work where they write about their disaster dates with each other and the people like them so, their bosses earn too much money.
The second relationship is those bosses. Alison has her own company and in it, she was Peter's boss. One day Peter stole an idea from Alison and built his own company, now they are enemies, but since the circumstances, they seem like something good how their own employees have a complete disaster on their dates and arrange different ways to sabotage these dates and earn visits in their online magazines.
The third relationship is about Eerin and her nameless love on chat. Someone is chatting with her and they two get along so well, but one day he will want a meet.
And that's all. It was pretty good.

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