I was finishing this season when I realized that, unlike other series more famous than you sure are aware, Good Witch is terribly innocent and harmless. Everythings is round by love and at the end, the people of Middleton want to help. Well, there are too many different ways that how to help, but all they are so charm. I can assure you that Good Witch is a kind of series you can watch with all your family, no doubt about it! You can do it without concern.
This second season, Nick and Grace will get along at last and settle their relationship. That's good.Cassie's cousin will sow a lot of disagreement seeds in the whole town because all she wants she gets and for that, she needs sow seeds in her "friends". At the end, she attains what she wants and the episode is more agreeable and amusing. Sam, half time with his son half time just he will face complicated matters. Lucky Sam because he has Cassie by his side with very good pieces of advice and she always supports him. A great couple will be, I have a feeling...
Since the last season, we all were waiting for the most waited union with Cassie and Sam and this seems to be late for too many episodes. I thought when Linda would be gone they kiss, but no. However, I hope your faith fall down and don't let it down. Everything comes on right time.

This second season, Nick and Grace will get along at last and settle their relationship. That's good.
Cassie's cousin will sow a lot of disagreement seeds in the whole town for all she wants she gets and for that, she needs sow seeds in her "friends". At the end, she attains what she wants and the episode is more agreeable and amusing.
Sam, halftime with his son half time just he will face complicated matters. Lucky Sam because he has Cassie by his side with very good pieces of advice and she always supports him. A great couple will be, I have a feeling...
Middleton Grey House Bed and breakfast work great and a couple of episodes we're going to have clients with complicated situations, but don't worry, Cassie is there and the solution for every problem will be solved, solve with tea and feelings.
One more time I can repeat that Cassie and her own daughter are not real witches, but we're going to see how they know more than the others just about feelings. They don't know what happens, exactly, in big situations, but when someone is coming at her store with a headache, Cassie already has the perfect herb tea or cream of her/his disease. I like those astonished faces of theirs.
So! I have no time to lose, I have another season to watch. Bye!