I was running, my time was almost up also my fear was taking control of me and I couldn’t able to think clearly. The storm was behind me. The light from its lightning bolt scared me out and that streak of forked lightning made me jump. No words came to my dry mouth because if I would have opened it my heart would have bound out.
Those voices in the middle of the desert meadow were shouting my name, the storm was behind me, however, sometimes it seems to be anywhere like in that meadow staring at me being invisible. Those hoarse voices were blowing my mind, those voice calling me were arising in the air, crashing into the storm and bringing its anger to me. My legs cramped up while I was running, but I couldn’t stop myself. The wild wind pushed me away in each jump of my running, thankful for that wind helping me to run even faster.
“It’s raining!” I thought. Holding my breath all of a sudden it was not raining, it was bucketing down and all weight of the water was falling down over me. My legs were so tired but I couldn’t stop, not yet, I couldn’t while the storm was groaning behind me asking for my life, take advantage of me, wanting to eat me fiercely. My heart could stop beating any moment because of the pain in my breast.
I at last stop running, "It's no use" I thought "I'm so exhausted, my lungs are on fire and I don't feel my legs anymore" as a matter of fact, I couldn't feel any muscle anymore. The ground was too much squishy and the mud was covering my jeans, so my clothes weighed a lot. "I must face the storm"
I turned on my heels, scolded at the storm, my ears bled off because of the unnatural moaning from the core of the storm. The wild wind went on warming me with its pushing, but I didn't want to run away anymore, I didn't even take a side that fight. Squinting my eyes I saw something strange up there among the black gloomy clouds, little voices asking me help. There were crying and shouting in a distortion way. There were people up there.
As my last chance, I stop myself I couldn't even breathe right. There, when I couldn't even uphold myself when I had admitted that I couldn't stand that situation, there, the wind wrapped me up and gave me a bit part of its strength and knowledge. Now I knew how to break those clouds apart and take my victory. "Let's go and take me there" My feet arose leaving the mud ground after me, put my eyes on the rarefied sky, hoisted my arms widely, and with all his confidence I took my part in the fight. Yes, because I could, I didn't be alone. I was found the way to get that confidence and that was My Father.

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