The weather is better and better, the sun is less hot and on the nights I use my pink blanket to cover my feet on the bed. Definitively, my days of summer are over and I have the sweetest taste on my tongue. It's as if I would have finished with a chapter on my life. There's no turning back and what I did that's all. I just can recall everything I did, watch all my photos and imagine the light breeze from the waves. Sweep a few happiness tears off and hope to the next summer, but I can sure you, it won't the same.
It was sort of a reward or a prize. They were too many days in the desert and this summer was special for me. I feel I didn't deserve it. After all, I feel I didn't have to prepare to such shed of kindness when all of this came to me.
It's not like I was cozy like that, but I was living inside those matters, moving on, diseases, stuck into a poor job and suddenly ¡Bam! I was (and I am) living being content with all my present stuff surrounding me. I never had a complaint because I knew my Father was taking the wheel and I was trustful on Him. And all of a sudden, my best summer came to me.
After too many issues in our lives, after a big moving, after horrible diseases, we had the nicest summer ever. Beach, mountain, hiking, new healthy food. My spirit soars by every reminder and I wish again and again to buy another day at the beach, with our strollings, our smiles spreading forever, our kisses, our vows, our better wishes. This shakes my heart and my eyes cry desperately. I would pay whatever for another day of those. One day, just for one day.
My summer is definitively over. I just can stay here, taking a seat and close my eyes to see those pictures in my mind, listening to the voice of my beloved, taking his hand, feeling the sand under our wet feet by the waves. No turning back, right? I cannot. But I have my pictures on my mind, I have that feeling warming my heart in every memory. That happiness has no price, that happiness takes its time to calm down. Those night looking at the moon, those evenings reading together, those mornings hiking and explore new places, and finding others new places out. Those things have no price enough to me.
Oh God! I have no words enough to thank you how big is your love. that time spent with my beloved has no price. I have no words enough to thank you how fantastic that opportunity was. To thank you how amazing your caring was. I know there's no turning back that the summer is over and with the cold winter new things are about to happen, not too sweet, not too nice, but one thing I know: You'll be there, you'll be here with us, blessing my marriage.
My summer is over but you will be here always. I can start a new chapter of my life whenever you want God. If you are with me I will walk whatever the path is because roses have thorns, too and my path is not exempt from them but you will be my balsam.

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