Goody! There you here, one day more reading me. Thank you a lot. Because I must say several things from this movie today and they are not friendly. Yes, my review isn't it going to be nice. So, are you ready for reading another point of view? Because there are so many people with the same opinion, I think.
The movie has a good and fantastic moral which is finding the beauty within (or at least that was the message in the original 1991 which is based on a french story) I think you must know the plot of this movie, she is the most beautiful girl in her village and beast is punishment for to be thoughtless with an old woman who just wanted shelter by the bitter cold. Now, both of them will learn a valuable lesson. Belle will find the beauty within the beast and the beast will learn to love.
See? So beautiful. This is a perfect story for everyone and every child. Don't be so prejudge at the beginning and wait for knowing more about the people. Well, until this moment everything seems so perfect. Ok, now let's go for this horribleness movie. Yes, you are reading very well all of this. Goodness me! How the people just dare to compare this one with its original from 1991? I can't believe it, really, I can't. Ok, come on in if you want because I have nothing good for to say about this movie. Nothing. And this isn't my problem, I was getting ready for watching that movie, getting ready for enjoying, but this new age and its way to create modernity crossed my face one more time again. Because the things are living in the past can't stay like that when people pick up nowadays.
A) At the beginning, the storyteller is cold, almost without feelings for the story she is telling us. Her voice is so much noisy. The worst thing is she is been interrupted all time and with that, I think that isn't the very good way to tell a story. Do you remember that serious and surrounding voice from that man? stressing his words and giving goosebumps Because I do.
B) I'm going to tell you what was my first thinking when Belle sings at the first time: Foolishness.
I thought: There are things that are impossible to pick up from an animation movie at another with real people. So foolishness I had to stifle a laugh. Did I want this? No, of course, but I did.
C) This is a big production makes by rush. The movie gets speed minute after minute and that is one reflection the place where are living. A world makes by speed every day.It seems we can bore to death if the movie had a normal velocity. We are lost the capable of finding enjoy un long frames, fewer actions, and more conversations. Pity, because this means we won't enjoy classic and slowly movies anymore.
D) The most I was waiting for this movie was the scenes, decorations because of the rest of the film, the story I knew it. I was eager for watching the castle, the village, the woods. Ok, that was so much and I mean so excessively loaded. They have so many details my eyes were getting crazy, I didn't know what see because there were so many things. Sometimes you can get better results with fewer things.
E) Why Gaston seems so lame and LeFou his boss? Why is a fashion to create lame villain? Gaston always was a rude person, selfish, unkind, quite confidence and no one could take control over his. Now he takes advice from LeFou and hits old men... seriously?
What's the point from the Beast? aren't we supposed that the beast has to be scary? Well, I didn't see anything of it. Really! He seemed to hesitate from time to time, above all at the beginning. Oh, that is shameless, the version from 1991 didn't deserve this.
I just have no words for describing Belle, well, wait, just a few of them: Insipid, passionless, and I'm fed with the great topic about "The girls are warriors" Seriously, the feminism is murdering so many things nowadays. She has to do almost all the work, practically and that is wrong! Because this is a sharing lesson.
F) What happened with the music? Where is it when the moments need it? Where is that boost that all we need for feeling our tears or fears or whatever? Where? I wonder if it's shameless as well.
G) I'm going to explain to you what means "Filled out" into any movie. That means the story can continue without some scenes perfectly because those "filled out" don't impede the main story move forward. That's ok? Good! Because I'm going to show you to filled out. Did is really necessary talk about beast's mother and Belle's mother? No, it wasn't. Why? You can remove those stories and the story is totally capable of to advance without any problem, above all because no one makes any mention of it later, so, it was completely unnecessary.
H) Talk to how the camera can focus on irrelevant things when at the same time something relevant is happening. The end of the movie is coming and at last, we are going to see how the beast become human again and what happens in the middle of his transformation, when our eyes cannot even blink? The camera changes its focus and goes out for seeing the scene so far. Bravo! Because yes, there is something more important out the castle than the transformation in this very moment.
I) How is possible I could feel more magic in the Beauty and the Beast 1991 than the new one? I could feel more love, more good feelings, warmer. With a good screenplay full of moral value and a good message for child and adults. How is possible I could feel more love between characters make with animation more than these real people? I didn't see love.
I had time to think while I watched the scenes and time to enjoy the moment. Now all I watched is a movie in a hurry, with strong effects, a heap of glitter (sometimes I feel like a moth pulls toward the brilliant lights) and empties messages.
That's all. Sorry about that, but this is that I really think.

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