I'm going to miss winter-time.

Enjoying this oasis.

Listening raining.

Finding out new things.
Based on Anthony Trollope's novel (1858), which I haven't read... yet, Doctor Thorne lives with his charming niece Mary who was born under mysterious circumstances. This is the centre of the plot and bit by bit we will find out more about Mary’s life and the secrets that she doesn’t know either about her past.
It’s always a pleasure watching a period drama. I take a seat on the sofa, take my favourite blanket, turn my phone off, turn the world off and prepare myself for an almost perfect evening.
Well, there’s no much things to say about this series because it’s very short and the few things I could say it could be a spoil for you. But, quite apart from the plot, let me remind you other pleasures of watching a period drama, overall from BBC studios.
The costumes are always something spectacular. I always express myself, how I would enjoy those dresses and bonnets and all those complements. Really, you feel out of your world when you spend time in this other world, strolling to endless green fields, staring at those big and lavish castles and keeping conversations in good manners. Taking advantage of the sunny days for making picnics. Those things that you already know before watching innumerable dramas like this.
I just wanted to talk about the excellent role that Tom Hollander did. Of course, if you are a lover drama, you have to know Tom Hollander and I know him as Mr. Collins (Pride and Prejudice), Osborne Hamley (Wifes and daughter), Ben (The announcement), Anthony Meredith (Gosford Park), Cutler Beckett (Pirates of the Caribbean series), Prime Minister (Mission Impossible 5#) etc, etc…
I beginning to think that he’s already feeling very cosy in those classics clothes, don’t you think so? Every time I see him on the screen more comfortable I see him and I saw that here as Doctor Thorne. Tom Hollander just enthralled my heart and my eyes. I had eyes just for him. I saw him that different than other roles. I loved it very much. I had to confess that, I don’t like Tom Hollander too much, really, In fact, the roles he was playing before were a bit detestable. Mr. Collins is not that cute and get on Elisabeth’s nerves. The same with the other roles, but here, I saw a very different Tom Hollander, I thought he was another person.
Doctor Thorne is the kindest character here, more than Mary Thorne. Doctor Thorne is a doctor, yes, but he’s tending affairs of a local baronet and everything is more than the appearances.
Love and important affairs mixed up here, the same with a few problems with the high rank of this society. But with this Tom Hollander, everything is going to be okay, for sure.