I have been told that “Don’t let anger control you” and “Don’t sin by letting anger control you” Gosh… it’s a difficult matter, indeed. “Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry” I believe, indeed, in those words because it encourages my life and I want to embrace them, take them tightly. I want to believe with all my heart because I don’t want to go on in this day feeding and harbouring that rotten feeling anymore.
~Ephesians 4:26~
Well, it's not my first time watching a K-drama, but it's have been a long time since the last one, so I inaugurate this blog with a new tag and I have to take up again this topic that I love.

It's still sounding the first chord from
Carry on while I close my eyes and remember the last episode over and over. It's wrapping me up so warm with a happy feeling after watching the whole drama. It's the second time I watch it and it seems that time it was much better than the first time, too much better. It touched my heart and soared my soul beyond this dark world. The true love can be cooked over a shimmer.
What can I say about the music? It’s special, it can wrap you up and get warm. It’s sentimental, happy and sometimes strong and wild. Sometimes is traditional and other is modern. It’s half orchestral instrumental filled with string instruments and the other half is sung. I think I loved the orchestral instrumental the most. It can fill my eyes with tears, makes me smile or feel strong. It helps me to recall the pictures from the drama, it can hug my heart and make me dance with closed eyes. The special songs with orchestral instruments and a choir singing on the backgrounds, that was a strong song! I am a Woodalchi. First, men choir and then women join in, later all together. Wow, it set me on fire. I feel I can fight everything. It seems that the sad songs are very sad and the happy ones are very happy. The sung songs distract me and make me focus on singing instead of to imagine. all these songs are too much great to be just a k-drama. I realize that they worked so hard on it.
Faith has magic. It has magic in too many ways. The love they show us is very difficult to see nowadays. It’s that kind of love as when you are watering your favourite flower, every day just a bit of water every single day and they are, every step they do is magical until see the covet kiss, their first hug, the way he takes her hand… So slowly, tying knots in my stomach with giggles. I love that feeling of waiting.
It has magic the way they move us to a historical drama watching their costumes. I don’t know how was Korea about, but I felt there with those heavy hairstyles, those choreographies with swords are impressive, the characters seemed like cartoons from animes. The leader himself seemed plucked from an anime. I’ve read tons of historical romantics books and I enjoyed the sword battles the most, so it gained points to me. I realize the worked very well with those choreographies, it was so incredible and credible at the same time.
Faith has magic taking some time to record in a relaxed way with beautiful or tense scenes. It has time to show us the feeling between two characters whether they are getting closer or whether they are fighting. There’s no hurry, maybe the leader has to go to an important fight, but he has a long time to take his clothes, or cast a sweet scolding. Maybe the King is nervous because the problems are bigger than himself, but if the Queen entres to scene, the time stops. It takes time to laugh, it takes time to take some rest on the road. There’s no hurry.

Speaking of leader, Faith has great warriors. They are Wu Dal Chi and they are the King’s private guard because they are the best for saving King’s and Queen’s life. But among them stay the leader, Choi Young (Lee Min Ho). He is the best, to begin with. Maybe he appears young to you, but there’s no doubt after the first episode that he’s not untrained or inexpert. He knows very well everything he’s doing. He has a dark past that drag with him, sadly. He has to fight with his past and present situations. He has to deal with a King that doesn’t want to get rid of him and solve the new Queen’s situation who is about to die because she got hurt.
I saw Lee Min Ho in Personal Taste, but it was 4 years ago and I don’t remember him so I can say nothing bad. As Choi Young he was perfect, I loved too much his clothes, throughout the episodes, he was better and better. He fits very well as Choi Young, his hairstyle seems, maybe, a bit tousled even when you see his hair tied up, but later he got a better hairstyle. He’s tall and his clothes make him taller and svelte, more handsome than he is. Choi Young is the best King’s guard and he couldn’t live without him, Choi Young is always protecting him, he does that even with his life if it’s necessary.
Faith has a
Great Doctor. She is
Yoo Eun Soo (
Kim Hee Sun) and she is a doctor of surgeon plastic. Yoo Eun Soo was busy at a meeting when she was kidnapped by Choi Young. He needed someone to cure the Queen before she could die and who knows, maybe they were simply meant to be. Yoo Eun Soo, when she accepts the situation is a smiling woman that has “bad manners” with the King and the Wu Dal Chi’s leader, but that’s because she didn’t ever treat a royal family before and because, in the beginning, she thought that it was a dream. Throughout the episodes, she calms down her “bad manners” except with Choi Young who is treating like a friend, but that is something that just Yoo Eun Soo can do with him.
Choi Young is fascinated by this new woman, he’s not used to being treated like that way and he lets himself be fooled by her. Cute ~
Faith has a Queen and a King and they are so cute. I remember the first time I saw Faith and they were who I loved the most. They have a really cute conflict between them but there are looks that cannot be hidden. As the light can’t be confined, love can’t either.
There’re more characters that captived my heart, except the villain and that means they were a good job, but I’m not going to tell you more about them because each of them has a role to develop here and each of them has importance in Faith.
The two last episodes remain in my mind as a long dream which I don’t want to wake up. Those two tense hours squeezing His hand with eyes filled with tears waiting, waiting for the big final moment when I had to loosen my held breath. It was like breathing roses. It was a liberating feeling of freedom. It was a wonderful final result. It was a k-drama that makes me think about how could I connect all pieces, it was dragging me since the beginning. Before stay beside their suffering, watching people die, loving ones sometimes. Before staring those battles with enthusiasm and behold a true love growing step by step delightfully, now I can say happily it was a great and recommendable k-drama.
It's no easy to watch a K-drama that is not translated so you can see better those characters and scenes, you have to read too many subtitles if you want to enter into this new world (or you can learn Korean, instead). In my case, I have read the subtitles and enjoy again and again with every episode. How much I love those guys? I don't even know! but I love seeing them, I have seen about 25 dramas
(J-dramas, T-dramas, K-dramas) and I don't get tired yet and I hope that day never comes. There’s a connection between Oriental country and me, between their way to do their things and me, between the way they think and me, between… I don’t even know, but when I see a K-drama and I’m the happiest woman that ever existed.
It’s always a pleasure watching a k-drama, no complain. This time I enjoy more, maybe because I grew up a bit more, maybe because I was in good company. The important thing is a had a great time rewatching
Faith, it touched my heart again, it makes me smile, the way that they act it makes me laugh, their way to create humour it’s different and sometimes it surprises me a lot when I burst to laugh because I didn’t see come that. They are big and pleasurable feelings without names because there’s art that they have no names and because of that, there are feelings that are not to put in words. There are feelings that are just for feeling and that is what k-dramas give me, a treasure trove of feelings without names but they can touch me as nothing touch me in the same way.